Tainan food tourism

Tainan is known for unique and diverse food culture. Tainan food reflects the city's rich history, blending influences from various Chinese, Dutch, Japanese, and indigenous culinary traditions. I would like to introduce the must-try food in Tainan while traveling in this posting.

The list of Tainan food


Tainan is a city located in the southern part of Taiwan, known for its rich history, culture, and delicious cuisine. It is the oldest city in Taiwan, with a history dating back to the 17th century when it was established as the capital of the Dutch Formosa colony. Later, Tainan became the capital of the Qing Dynasty's Taiwan Province and served as an important center of politics, economy, and culture.

Today, Tainan is a vibrant city with a mix of modern development and well-preserved historical sites. It is often referred to as the "cultural capital" of Taiwan, as it is home to numerous temples, shrines, forts, and traditional buildings that reflect its diverse heritage. Some of the must-visit attractions in Tainan include Chihkan Tower, Koxinga Shrine, Anping Fort, and Kuan Kung Temple, among others.

1. 碗粿 (wǎnguǒ)

"Wanguo" is one of Taiwan's traditional snacks, a small bowl pudding made using glutinous rice flour and sweet potato. The stuffing of Wanguo includes various ingredients such as pork, pickled radish, peanuts, and sesame seeds, and the size and shape of the snack can vary.

Tainan Wanguo

Wanguo in northern Taiwan is white, while Wanguo in southern Taiwan is brown.

Wanguo is characterized by various ingredients in the filling, chewy texture of savory glutinous rice flour, and rich taste. It is one of the representative snacks widely enjoyed in Taiwan's street markets and night markets.

2. 關廟 Noodle (Guānmiào)

Guanmiao noodles are made with the most basic ingredients: wheat flour, salt and water. After kneading the flour by hand, the noodles are dried under the sun. It does not burn even after boiling for a long time, so it is chewy. 

Guanmiao noodles are large, hollow noodles served with a soup containing a variety of meats, seafood and vegetables. The representative soup is a savory soup made from pork bones with a strong taste. The noodles are thick, with a chewy texture and rich taste.

​Guanmiao noodles are one of Taiwan's signature street foods, popular with tourists and locals alike. It is one of Taiwan's representative noodle dishes, and it is one of the representative Taiwanese foods that can be enjoyed deliciously with a soup rich in various meats and seafood.

3. 鹽水伊麵 (Yánshuǐyīmiàn)

Yanshui District in Tainan is where Yimian originated. Yimian is one of the types of noodles, and when making noodles, eggs are added instead of water, so the noodles have an egg scent. Add pork, bean sprouts, and green onions to the blanched noodles. Yanshuiyimian is a favorite food of Tainan people from childhood to adulthood.

Tainan yanshuiyimian

4. 鹹粥 (Xiánzhōu)

As one of Taiwan's representative foods, it is known as a salty porridge that can be easily eaten when it is cold, rainy or when the body is tired. It is one of the foods loved by many people because you can enjoy various ingredients and tastes.

In Tainan, people eat xianzhou, a Taiwanese porridge for breakfast. It's full of ingredients, so you'll be full after eating just one bowl. Xianzhou is characterized by its unique texture and savory taste, as if each grain of rice is alive.

5. 米糕 (Mǐgāo)

Tainan is famous for the best quality of rice in Taiwan. Migao, the representative food of Tainan, is similar to rice cakes. Jerky powder, fish powder, green onion, garlic, etc. are added and steamed in a bamboo tube. It has a chewy texture and, of course, contains vegetables, so it is not greasy. In Tainan, the hometown of rice, I hope you will definitely taste Migao.

Tainan food Migao

6. Tomato

Tomatoes produced in Guantian District, Tainan, are famous. Tainan people don't just eat tomatoes. Ginger sauce made by boiling down ginger, white sugar, licorice, and soy sauce is sprinkled on tomatoes. You can find the wisdom of Tainan people who eat hot ginger and cold tomatoes together. It is quite delicious to feel both sweet and salty at the same time. It is sold at cafes and ice shops in Tainan, so please feel the unique taste of tomatoes. 

7. Star Fruit Juice

Nanxi District in Tainan is famous for starfruit. Starfruit is one of the tropical fruits and is similar in appearance to a melon. The section is star-shaped, so named Starfruit. Starfruit, which has the scent of plum and the taste of apple, is characterized by its sweetness that gets stronger as it ripens. In Tainan, you can easily find desserts made with star fruit. Star fruit juice is particularly famous, so be sure to try it when you travel to Tainan.


8. Pineapple Ice Tea

Tainan is a place where pineapples are produced all year round thanks to its mild climate. Pineapple is one of the three specialties of Guanmiao District in Tainan. Tainan's pineapple iced tea is different from regular iced tea. Carefully selected pineapples with high sugar content are boiled for 4 to 5 hours. You can feel the pure taste of pineapple without adding tea leaves or ice. 

9. Melon Shaved Ice

Tainan is famous for its pineapples, but it is also famous for its melons. It is much sweeter than general melon. If you eat melon on top of soft ice, the heat will go away. Melon lovers can also purchase fresh melons at the Yujing Fruit and Vegetable Market in Tainan

10. Avocado milk with pudding

Avocados produced in Tainan's Tanei District are so popular that they are called 'Tanei's green jewel'. Unlike the avocado milk we know, Tainan Cafe grinds avocado with milk and pudding together. The savory flavor of the avocado and the sweetness of the pudding are added, making it unforgettable once you taste it. It is a dessert that can only be tasted in Tainan, so please try it. 

Avocado milk

11. 杏仁豆腐 (Xìngréndòufǔ)

Xingren tofu is a pudding made with almond milk. It resembles tofu, hence the name Xingren Tofu. It is also called almond tofu because you can feel the deep taste of almonds. It is also eaten by putting nuts or red beans on top of the pudding.

To the wrap up

Taiwan, the country of gastronomy. Among them, Tainan is a place that did not shine because it was overshadowed by Taipei. How about going on a food tourism to Tainan, the city of taste?

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