Best Tendon Tempura Rice Bowl near Umeda station, OSAKA!! - Ebinoya

In case of my country, Korea!
Tendon was not famous food
before broadcasting.
I remember it was 2018 summer!

I already tried just one time in Korea
At that time,
I was really shocked
because it had really fantastic taste!

I also really wanted to eat
native tendon during travel.

I looked into tempura rice bowl restaurant a lot
through instar, blog, google map.
I chose this one
because It's good chain for this food.
and also It's near our hotel.

Do you know
It's really busy and complicated near umeda station?
you have to use the google map!!
just go inside the building.
You can easily find out the floor at the gate of the building.

캡션 추가

We visited this building to eat tendon,
however you had to consider other food, too,
because a lot of restaurant near this one.

Pollock roe is provided infinitely.
We can't eat much of this in Korean
So, If you like,
It's like a heaven.

If you know the tendon already
You also know the different of menus.
The name and price is different
according to the variety of tempura.

There are two kinds of style.
One is Tempura on the rice.
Other is independent tempura.

When we got here,
It was not the meal time
So, not many people in here.

Probably, there is queue during the meal time
considering the waiting list.

Menus are divided
by the size or the number of
shrimp and eel tempura.

Basically, Japanese
but also Chinese, Korean, English

we are two people.
One ordered independent one.

Other ordered Tempura on the rice bawl.

We were really... full.
We ate Whole this day.
We chose the basic menu.

Although we chose the basic one,
we could eat all kinds of tempura except eel.

For lots of tourist,
Every words are translated.

It's kind of limited edition.
contains big shrimp.

I think the best tempura is shrimpl
So, It's worth trying.

We saw about the infinite pollock roe,
but we couldn't how to order it.

It was Just in front of us!!

It's perfect!!!
just put it on the rice
and eat together!

It's set of independent one.
sauce is also come out, separately.

Tempura is really white,
looks so clean and delicious, isn't it?

The sauce cover the tempura.
It's really different visual with other set.

Just put the tempura on the small dish separately,
which covered the set.

Half-cooed egg!!
pop on the rice
eat together!

Umeda station is terribly huge
and also complicated.

How many subway station near here...
It's too complicated to fine the right way.

When we need to transfer,
We had to walk SoSo long way;;

If you have a plan to visit here,
you should order two kinds of tendon.
These look so similar
but really different.

I don't know
How much pollack roe I ate....
I love it
but In Korea,
It's very expencsive...

Rice, sauce, pollack are enough reason to visit here.

I was so sad,
because the Tendon I ate in Korea
is better than here...
even Japan is original country of tendon...

Maybe, because this restaurant is chain
which have to fry lots of amount at once.

The quality of tempura is really... low..

I'm just satisfied
that I ate Tempura Rice Bowl in Japan

Thank you for viewing!!!

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